Please arrive between 9.30am and 11am. If you can give our ESP co-ordinator an indicative time in advance it would be greatly appreciated.
Please park in the equine car park and make your way to the Foundations Live Entrance clearly signposted on the arena door.
Your group will need a brief induction in the upstairs room. Can your group leader please advise a member of the Hobson & Porter staff in the upstairs room that you have arrived.
Once inducted, your group will be allowed to walk the arena floor in small groups. Your group will be given a rendezvous time approximately two hours after your induction, to meet in a dedicated area ready for a group photo prior to departure.
Students will be issued with an activity pack. To get the most out of the event and to speak to the exhibitors about the hundreds of careers available, students will need to engage with standholders to find the answers to the questions in their activity pack. Completed activity packs will be entered into a prize draw.